Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988-1999)
In the not too distant future Joel Robinson is held captive by Dr Forrester and TVs Frank, forced to watch B Grade movies on the Satellite of Love with the help of his robot friends Cambot, Gypsy, Tom Servo and Crow T Robot
The Film Crew: Wild Women of Wongo (2007)
Bob Honcho orders the Film Crew to provide a commentary track for the bizarre prehistoric adventure film, The Wild Women of Wongo 1958
The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark (2007)
The Film Crew gives a commentary track to Walk the Angry Beach 1961, aka Hollywood After Dark, featuring Rue McClanahan as a stripper
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996)
Mike Nelson and his robot companions watch and give their comments about This Island Earth 1955
RiffTrax Live: Samurai Cop (2017)
RiffTrax, the guys who make movies funny, bring their comedic riffing treatment to this cheesy 90s action classic Decapitations, explosions, and mangled dialogue abound in this extremely eighties nineties movie This feature is a p
RiffTrax Live: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (2013)
Martians kidnap Santa Claus to cheer up the children of Mars The Rifftrax gang provide commentary mocking the proceedings
RiffTrax Live: Miami Connection (2015)
Mike, Kevin and Bill are back, live riffing the 1987 cult martial arts flick, Miami Connection
RiffTrax Live: Birdemic Shock and Terror (2012)
The Rifftrax guys riff the shockingly bad movie Birdemic Shock and Terror
RiffTrax Live: Christmas Shortsstravaganza! (2009)
The Rifftrax Crew give several holiday short films a good riffing Weird Al Yankovich makes a guest appearance