Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie (1999)
Ten year old Sakura Avalon, Cardcaptor of the elusive, magical Clow Cards, unexpectedly wins a trip to Hong Kong where strange dreams lead her to an imprisoned sorceress with close connections to the creator of the cards
The Dog of Flanders (1997)
A small poor boy lives with his caring grandfather in a small Flemish village in the 19th century Belgium, has a lovable pet dog, loves art and dreams of becoming a famous painter one day Based on a famous Flemish novel
Cardcaptor Sakura (19982000)
Sakura stumbled upon the book of Clow Cards in a library Accidentally setting the magical cards loose, its now up to Sakura to catch them all with her best friend Tomoyo, and Kerberos, the guardian of the cards