Plot: Big Fish Big Adventure 2020 Big Fish Big Adventure is a 8 part original, Australian made series featuring an exploration charter company Big Cat Reality that caters to the desires of open water fishing enthusiasts and adventure seekers Introducing them to some of the most beautiful, still unexplored fishing destinations the world has to offer The series offers adventure, reveals Queenslands long lost maritime history, undersea life, the thrill of extreme fishing and ocean exploration, but what makes Big Fish Big Adventure truly one of a kind is the 100 per cent Australian focus Captain James McVeigh, seasoned marina and once commercial diver who has spent his life on or under the water, takes his clients to the furthest reaches of the reef, chasing their fish of a life time James and his crew deliver a true adventure experience, which, as the true adventurist knows, means facing down an unforgiving sea and Mother Natures ability to throw the unexpected at them, at any time
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