Plot: This three-part documentary series chronicles the controversial story surrounding Renee Bach, a young American missionary who felt called by God to set up a charity for malnourished children in Jinja, Uganda. But shocking allegations arose that Renee was treating the sick children herself, without any medical qualifications. When whistle-blowers intervene, they learn that over 100 children have died in the charity's care over the years. An activist group called No White Saviors ignites a social media firestorm to raise attention to the story, leading to a civil lawsuit brought against Renee and her charity by two Ugandan mothers and a human rights attorney. With extraordinary access to Renee, her accusers, lawyers, activists, and the bereaved mothers who sought to hold her accountable in court, Savior Complex addresses wider questions surrounding the ethics of foreign aid work done in the name of humanitarian and religious ideals.
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