Vote: 6.9
Quality: HDTV
Runtime:265 min
Released:15 Nov 2017
Plot: The Simple Heist 2017 2019 Jenny Bengtsson is a teacher living in Kalmar, Sweden, struggling to stay afloat during her divorce Her best friend, Doctor Cecilia Stensson, has financial problems after failed investments in the stock market Every day theyre forced to take crap from students, parents, patients and bosses who all expect them to give more than theyre able to Theyre tired of women always being the ones stuck between family and career and constantly having to struggle to make ends meet When they both realize that the future is anything other than bright, they decide to do something drastic, insane actually to rob the main branch of the Stockholm Bank The Simple Heist tells the story that leads up to the crazy decision to rob a bank, the preparations, the heist itself and the aftermath does the money solve all their problems or do they just get new ones How are they supposed to drive a getaway car with a drunk teenager in the backseat Whats the best way to commit breaking and entering when you have your grand kids with you And how do you poison an entire biker gang
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